15/12/2023 PTX News

PtX Lab Lausitz joins EU-RLCF Alliance to promote synthetic fuels for aviation and maritime transport

A vessel and an aeroplane in top view on an ocean

Lusatian think tank joins industrial alliance for the value chain of renewable and low-carbon fuels

PtX Lab Lausitz has joined the "Renewable and Low-Carbon Fuels Value Chain Industrial Alliance" (RLCF). The alliance was launched by the European Commission to accompany the introduction of FuelEU Maritime and ReFuelEU Aviation. It is a voluntary association of stakeholders from the entire transport sector and other relevant value chains who want to promote the market ramp-up and use of synthetic fuels. The defossilisation of air and sea transport in particular is an urgent task on the road to climate neutrality. This is already evident from the scale of the emissions. If international aviation and shipping were one country, they would be the fifth largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world. This makes it all the more important to discuss the drives and fuels for the mobility of the future.

The RLCF Alliance enables its members to engage in effective dialogue along the entire fuel value chain. The alliance includes members from production and sales such as Shell and Mabanaft, Airbus and Rolls-Royce, which manufacture aircraft and engines, as well as representatives from research and science such as the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The expertise is rounded off by organisations from the industry, including the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the German Shipowners' Association and now also PtX Lab Lausitz.

Dr. Harry Lehmann, Head of PtX Lab Lausitz, commented on joining the RLCF: “There are already various ways to reduce the climate impact of global air and sea transport. There are operational improvements and there are political instruments for reducing greenhouse gases in the transport sector. However, it is also clear that only with alternative fuels can aircraft and ships be freed from fossil paraffin, heavy fuel oil and other fossil marine fuels. The use of PtX products is currently the only option with sufficient potential.“

We at PtX Lab Lausitz are delighted to be working with the RLCF Alliance from now on to ensure that the market ramp-up of environmentally friendly and sustainably produced fuels continues to gain momentum.
Dr. Harry Lehmann, Head of PtX Lab Lausitz

About the RLCF Alliance

The industry alliance for the renewable and low-carbon fuel value chain was launched by the European Commission in April 2022. It focuses on promoting the production and supply of these fuels for aviation and maritime transport. In addition to technology and finance providers, civil society organisations, governments and their authorities are also represented in the alliance. This means that the entire transport fuel value chain, from procurement to end users, is part of the alliance.

About PtX Lab Lausitz

The PtX Lab Lausitz aims to promote the market ramp-up of sustainably generated Power-to-X products. Among other things, it is developing strategies for climate-friendly aviation. The Cottbus think-and-do tank acts as a knowledge platform, source of inspiration and point of contact for industry, politics and science in Lusatia, Germany and worldwide.


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