06/07/2022 Event

PtX Lab Talk about sustainable synthetic kerosene (PtL) from Lusatia

Lusatia offers interesting possibilities for producing synthetic paraffin (PtL). In the PtX Lab Talk live from the ILA 2022 our experts presented what conditions have to be met and where the ideal locations are.

In order to achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, aviation must reduce CO2 emissions. To this end, the production of synthetic kerosene using the power-to-liquid (PtL) process is an important factor. On June 23 in 2022, the third PtX Lab Talk "Sustainable Synthetic Kerosene (PtL) from Lusatia" took place at our stand at the International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition (ILA) 2022 in Berlin.

What conditions have to be met in order to produce synthetic kerosene? And which locations, especially in Lusatia, are suitable for this? A group of experts presented the results of the site search for a PtL pilot plant. One major takeaway: Lusatia (Lausitz) offers good conditions for the production of PtL kersoene at ten sites, with three sites standing out as particularly suitable.

The speakers of the day

  • Dr. Sebastian Voswinckel, PtX Lab Lausitz: "Sustainable Synthetic Kerosene (PtL) from Lusatia"
  • Dr. Dietrich Brockhagen, atmosfair gGmbh: "PtL technology & site requirements"
  • M.Sc. Christian Wilken, HORN & MÜLLER Ingenieurgesellschaft: "Methodology & possible PtL production sites in Lusatia"

The video recording of the event

The presentations of the speakers are available in the download area on the right. Interested parties can also follow all the presentations and the subsequent discussion along with the participants' questions in the video recording of the event.

To the video recording of the event on YouTube

Save the Date: 17 November 2022

The next PtX Lab Talk will take place on 17 November. Further information on the topic and the speakers will follow shortly. The registration phase is already open.

Register here.



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