Copyright: PtX Lab Lausitz / Steffen Rasche
PtX Lab Study ‘Fossil-free Chemistry of Tomorrow’ highlights challenges of switching to non-fossil raw materials.
According to the PtX Lab Study ‘Fossil-Free Chemistry of Tomorrow — Eight Guiding Principles for Sustainable Chemical Production and the Importance of Power-to-X Technologies’, the transformation of the chemical industry can only succeed with a combination of demand reduction, recycling, biomass and Power-to-X (PtX) technologies.
The conditions under which this can be achieved have been investigated by a team of authors led by Dr Irina Akhmetova and Lukas Horndasch, experts at the PtX Lab Lausitz. They show how the chemical industry, the third largest sector in the industrial sector, can become climate-neutral and resource-efficient.
Fossilfreie Chemie von morgen —
Acht Leitprinzipien für eine grüne ...
PtX Lab Study | 03/2025 I Thema: Nachhaltige Chemie I 141 Seiten
Digital PtX Lab Release puts study results in an economic context with a panel discussion
At the PtX Lab Release event, the authors first provided insights into the results of the study. It became clear that the path to climate-neutral chemistry can only be taken together with politics and industry. If there is a lack of reliable regulations, necessary investments will also be hesitant. However, the transformation of the chemical industry is not possible without PtX chemicals. They are the key to closing the gap in the raw material base.
To remain competitive, attractive conditions for investing in PtX must be created. Sustainability is not a cost factor, but a competitive advantage.
Johanna Wiechen (Germanwatch) and Felix Herter (NRW.Energy4Climate) then put the study results into an economic context in short keynote speeches. In a panel discussion, in which Dr Harry Lehmann, head of PtX Lab Lausitz, and his deputy Dr Sarah Bernhardt also took part, the question of how competitiveness and sustainability in the chemical industry can be reconciled was discussed.

Copyright: PtX Lab Lausitz / Steffen Rasche
Study proposes principles for a sustainable chemical industry
The chemical industry has already been able to reduce its emissions in recent years through greater energy efficiency. However, further developments are needed to achieve the climate targets. The study proposes eight guiding principles and identifies the following concrete steps for a fossil-free chemical industry of tomorrow:
- Possibilities for reducing demand and limiting the use of chemicals
- Switching the raw material and energy base from fossil to renewable sources
- Closing the renewable carbon demand gap
- Accelerating a sustainable market ramp-up of PtX chemicals
- Promoting recycling strategies
The EU has already regulated recycling and biomass. Now, PtX chemicals also need clear political support. Our guiding principles show policymakers and industry the way to sustainable PtX chemicals.
About the study
The PtX Lab Study ‘Fossil-Free Chemistry of Tomorrow — Eight Guiding Principles for Sustainable Chemical Production and the Importance of Power-to-X Technologies’ was developed by the PtX Lab working group ‘Chemical Industry’. The working group is addressing the electrification of various manufacturing processes, closed carbon cycles and the replacement of fossil raw materials with renewable alternatives. The 141-page publication was produced under the leadership of Dr Irina Akhmetova and Lukas Horndasch, the speakers of the PtX Lab working group, and Dr Sarah Bernhardt, deputy head of PtX Lab Lausitz.