24/10/2024 Digital via Zoom Event PTX

PtX Lab Talk #12: Phasing-Out or Retrofitting Petrochemical Plants

In the twelfth episode of the PtX Lab Talk, experts discuss the necessary transformatoin of petrochemical plants. Fossil lock-in effects in this sector are well known and are delaying the transformation to a fossil-free industry.

The PtX Lab Talk #12 ‘Phasing-Out or Retrofitting? Strategies for Petrochemical Plants to overcome fossil Lock-Ins’ focusses on overcoming fossil lock-ins and the need for a phase-out policy for fossil production plants.

We discuss what needs to happen to existing petrochemical plants in the future in order to transform the chemical industry into a fossil-free industry.Further information on the PtX Lab Talk #12 on 24 October 2024 from 01:00 p.m. to 02:30 p.m. will be published here. Registration for the event is already possible. 

Key topics

  • How can petrochemical plants be made fit for the future?
  • Are circular, bio-based and hydrogen-based technologies sufficient to lead the chemical industry into a sustainable future?
  • Retrofitting vs. phasing out vs. phasing in: Which strategy is the right one? Should the petrochemical industry pursue the phase-out of fossil fuels (phasing-out), retrofit existing plants (retrofitting) or switch to sustainable solutions more quickly through a targeted phase-in of sustainable technologies?

Experts at PtX Lab Talk #12

  • Daniela Duran Gonzalez (CIEL Center for International Environmental Law)
  • Joachim Tilsted (University Lund)
  • Prof Dr Nicolaus Dahmen (IKFT Institute of Catalysis Research and Technology/Ref4Fu - Refinery for Future)

Information for participants

The PtX Lab Talks are a digital event series that brings together PtX Lab experts and speakers from politics, industry and civil society to discuss ways to achieve climate targets.

Date: 24 October 2024
Time: 01:00 - 02:30 p.m. (CEST)
Location: Virtual event (Zoom)

Take the opportunity to find out about the latest strategies and technologies, network with experts and discuss innovative solutions.

Take an active part in shaping the transition to a sustainable chemical industry - secure your free spot in the PtX Lab Talk!

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Quick info

PtX Lab Talk #12: Phasing-Out or Retrofitting Petrochemical Plants
- Digital via Zoom Write E-Mail

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