21/05/2024 PTX News

PtX Lab Lausitz provides insights at the ILA on greenhouse gas neutral aviation options

Lusatian Think and Do Tank showcases innovative ideas for a climate-friendly aviation

Every two years, the ILA attracts the global aerospace industry to Berlin. The focus is on innovations, new technologies and sustainability. The question of how civil aviation can become climate-neutral is particularly important. The PtX Lab Lausitz team will be represented at the ILA for the second time - this time at the joint stand of the Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation (WFBB) in Hall 4, booth 320. Once again, the employees of the Think and Do Tank will be showing companies and trade fair visitors their ideas for climate-friendly aviation.

The PtX Lab Lausitz in Cottbus supports the goal of greenhouse gas emissions. A central approach is the development of synthetic fuels and basic materials for aviation based on renewable energies and green hydrogen. This approach will also be the focus of the Lusatian Lab during the trade fair from 5 to 9 June 2024. As the world's most important showcase for the entire aerospace industry value chain, the ILA offers the opportunity to exchange ideas directly with companies and industry associations, representatives from science and research and the general public. In addition to talks, panel discussions and debates, the ILA also offers space for matchmaking, product presentations and personal meetings.

PtX Lab Lausitz in dialogue at the joint booth and on conference stages

The PtX Lab Lausitz staff will be engaging in dialogue with the (specialist) public on various stages. We look forward to welcoming you to our joint stand in Hall 4, Stand 320 throughout the trade fair. You can also experience our speakers live at two events:

  • On the ILA Future Lab Stage, there will be a panel discussion on "From Berlin to Aerospace - Hightech from the capital-region" with Dr Sebastian Voswinckel, Deputy Head of the PtX Lab Lausitz, from 12:00 to 12:45 in Hall 2.
  • In addition, Dr Sebastian Voswinckel will give a presentation on the idea of a roadmap for climate-neutral aviation at the joint WFBB booth, which will take place from 15:00 to 15:30 in Hall 4 in the Aviation area.

As part of the ILA, the Lusatian Think and Do Tank will present current projects and publications, including thematic papers and studies on book & claim for green jet fuel and on the development of PtX sustainability standards and indicators, (explanatory) films and various factsheets. The trade fair will also focus on the exchange of ideas on future topics.
