21/03/2024 PTX News

PtX Lab Talk sheds light on the effects of the new air traffic tax

Authorities are fueling aircraft before flying

Experts discussed whether the recently increased aviation tax can reduce emissions and what additional measures are needed for green aviation.

The new federal budget is having an impact on many sectors and projects. The aviation industry, which is urgently reliant on the development and production of sustainable aviation fuels, is also feeling the financial pinch. The market ramp-up of sustainable, synthetic fuels, so-called Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), appears to be slowing down. The question arises as to how the availability of sustainable aviation fuels can be improved.

Can emissions in this sector be reduced by means of a higher aviation tax? What about the market ramp-up of power-to-liquid (PtL) paraffin? And what additional measures are needed? We talked about this on 29 February 2024 in our PtX Lab Talk on the topic of "The new aviation levy: Is the steering sufficient?". Over 70 interested people took part in the ninth edition of our digital event series.

All speakers agreed on one point: the cuts in the promotion of synthetic fuels based on renewable energies must be compensated in order not to slow down their market ramp-up before the start and to fulfil the SAF blending quotas. Reliable framework conditions are the foundation for this. The aviation levy, guarantees and long-term purchase agreements have been identified as suitable financing instruments. SAFs are in demand. However, there is a lack of production capacities and the necessary investment decisions. This could be remedied by establishing a capacity market for PtL kerosin.

Video recording of the event

Screenshot of the opening presentation for PtX Lab Talk #9

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Interested parties can watch all the presentations and the subsequent discussion based on the participants' questions in the video recording of the event.

Speakers of the day: 

Portrait Carolin Schenuit

Carolin Schenuit, Managing Director of the Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft e. V. (FÖS)

"Die neue Luftverkehrsabgabe: Reicht die Lenkung aus?“

Portrait Siegfried Knecht

Siegfried Knecht, Chairman of the Board of aireg – Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e. V.

„SAF Finanzierung“

Portrait Mathias Bösl

Dr. Mathias Bösl, Managing Director and Co-Founder of Spark e-Fuels GmbH

„Was benötigen E-fuels Startups, um zum PtX-Markthochlauf beizutragen und wie kann die Politik dabei unterstützen?“

Portrait Anja Köhne

Anja Köhne, Officer for climate-friendly mobility at Germanwatch e. V.

„Die deutsche Luftverkehrssteuer: Ein Anfang - aber zu wenig für SAF-Hochlauf, Klimaschutz und globale Gerechtigkeit“

Portrait Marte van der Graaf

Marte van der Graaf, Officer for aviation at Transport & Environment

„Die deutsche Luftverkehrssteuer: Ein Anfang - aber zu wenig für SAF-Hochlauf, Klimaschutz und globale Gerechtigkeit“

Portrait Harry Lehmann

Dr. Harry Lehmann, Head of the PtX Lab Lausitz

„Reicht die Lenkung aus?“

Future events

We would like to thank all participants for their interest and contributions. The next PtX Lab Talk will take place on 16 May 2024. We will report on the topic "ReFuelEU Aviation: More flexibility in jet fuel supply through book & claim?".

To the registration for PtX Lab Talk #10.


Dr. Harry Lehmann
Head of PtX Lab Lausitz
+49 355 47889 523 Write E-Mail


Anita Demuth
Deputy Head
+49 355 47889 125 Write E-Mail
