24/07/2023 PTX News

Raw materials sought for the production of greenhouse gas-neutral aviation fuels

By top view you can see an excavator and a truck

PtX Lab Lausitz invites tenders for a study on "Resource requirements and availability for GHG-neutral aviation

Sufficient quantities of synthetic kerosene are essential for greenhouse gas-neutral aviation. But are the metals and non-metallic minerals needed for its production sufficiently available? How great is the demand for these raw materials in the aviation sector? What should be done in the event of resource bottlenecks? And which scenarios are best suited for the most sustainable production of PtL fuels? The PtX Lab Lausitz wants to get to the bottom of these and other questions as part of the study "Resource requirements and availability for GHG-neutral aviation".

We are looking for contractors with qualifications in the fields of renewable energies as well as electricity- and hydrogen-dependent manufacturing processes (PtX fuels and basic materials), raw materials and scenarios. Interested parties can download all required documents on the federal e-tendering platform. The bidding period for participation ends on Thursday, August 17, 2023. The study has a duration of ten months. The results for PtL products and PtL technologies will be relevant beyond the aviation sector.

Challenges in the production of synthetic aviation fuels

The sustainable production of greenhouse gas-neutral aviation fuels, so-called Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), requires not only renewable energies, water, land areas and know-how, but also rare raw materials.

However, these metals and non-metallic minerals such as cobalt, lithium, rare earths or steel are not only needed in aviation. They are also in high demand in many other sectors. At the same time, their reserves are limited and unevenly distributed globally.

About the PtX Lab Lausitz

The PtX Lab Lausitz pursues the goal of advancing the market ramp-up of sustainably generated power-to-X products. Among other things, it develops strategies for climate-friendly aviation. To this end, the Cottbus think-and-do tank acts, among other things, as a knowledge platform, impetus generator and contact partner for industry, politics and science in Lusatia, Germany and worldwide.
