Our focus

Metallskulptur, die sich nach hinten verjüngt und auf einen Lichtpunkt fokussiert und durch grafische Nachbearbeitung darübergelegt die grünen gebogenen Linien aus dem Logo von PtXLab Lausitz

A think and do tank

As a think and do tank for fuels and basic materials from green hydrogen, PtX Lab Lausitz provides a knowledge platform for the topic of Power-to-X (PtX) in environmental protection and climate change mitigation. Staff working at the Lab observe and analyse current developments at a national, European and international level. This knowledge is prepared in a target group-oriented and application-related manner, and is made available to the public.

PtX Lab Lausitz works to promote interdisciplinary, systematic and both sector-specific and cross-sectoral dialogue about PtX – and especially in relation to climate and environmental issues. On this basis, PtX Lab Lausitz advises key stakeholders in policy-making, business and civil society, and thereby supports processes at a national, EU and international level. The Lab also works to highlight topic areas and issues needing urgent attention.

As an overall aim, PtX Lab Lausitz works to promote the market ramp-up of PtX products both in Germany and abroad. Some of its activities include the planning and operation of a PtL pilot plant according to stringent sustainability criteria.

The Lab is also an integral part of an innovation cluster based in Brandenburg, where it works with a range of partner institutes. Activities here include the organisation of dialogue between the various sectors and actors in the form of an annual conference as well as other thematic events.

PtX Lab Lausitz is also working to support the establishment of new business and industrial opportunities, as well as potential spin-offs with the aim of forming new companies or company divisions in the region.

To ensure that Lusatia benefits overall as a region seeking to achieve fundamental structural change, consulting services will also be offered – especially for the region’s SMEs – with a focus on PtX production and usage.


PtX Lab Lausitz Calauer Straße 70
03048 Cottbus
+49 355 47889 131 Write E-Mail

In brief: Facts about Power-to-X and the work of the PtX Lab Lausitz.

Download factsheet (PDF)

Bringing ‘first mover’ benefits to Lusatia

PtX Lab Lausitz aims to support the market ramp-up of PtX products being pursued in Lusatia and help the region benefit from the resulting economic opportunities.

The Lab seeks to become a local point of focus for the establishment of the various industry segments required, which will also create new jobs for the region. Historically, the Lusatia region possesses a broad spectrum of competencies in the fields of energy and process engineering. As new start-ups form, they will draw on these competencies while simultaneously supporting the envisaged structural change and exploiting Lusatia’s potential to develop into a long-term hub for these industries in the future. The State of Brandenburg has already declared its intention to establish Lusatia as a region for tomorrow’s energy technologies.

Employees at PtX Lab will work to establish productive networks with local and regional stakeholders in policymaking, business and research. The aim here will be to identify shared opportunities for cooperation, so as to create the general conditions necessary to expand PtX industries in the region. This will give the region a crucial head start in light of the expected further expansion of PtX production in Germany as a whole. Achieving this will require close cooperation with many organisations, companies and initiatives.

We’re building a PtL pilot plant in the Lusatia region

PtX Lab Lausitz has been commissioned with setting up and operating a plant for producing a series of liquid synthesis products from hydrogen.

Together with initial and further training for specialists, such pilot plants are an important part of achieving a market launch. Construction and operation of the pilot plant will also allow us to gain experience for the further development of PtX technologies. As a milestone on the path from lab theory to practice, the pilot plant will support the learning processes needed to optimise the various components in the production of synthetic, hydrogen-based fuels for aviation and shipping (Power-to-Liquid, PtL). At the same time, insights into the sustainable formulation of such fuels can be obtained, so as to derive reliable estimates of potential cost savings.

Another key goal for this pilot plant is compliance with the most stringent sustainability criteria: the Gold Standard. Analysing the obstacles facing implementation will provide invaluable information about the policy and financial frameworks required for a PtL market ramp-up that is both environmentally and climate friendly.